Gems have intrigued humans for thousands of years. The first known gems used for crafting jewelry were amethyst, rock crystal, amber, garnet, jade, jasper, coral, lapis lazuli, pearl, serpentine, emerald and turquoise. These stones were reserved for the wealthy and served as status symbols.
In ancient times, gems were used as healing stones and talismans on account of their magical powers. Today gemstone jewelry is worn for its aesthetic value and beauty. Some still buy gemstone rings and charms for their mystical properties.
Gem stone jewelry
Broadly gemstones can be categorized as naturally found and the human made stones. Natural gems are found in Mother Nature's earth whereas synthetic gems are created artificially. The laboratory gemstones possess essentially the same chemical, physical and visual properties as natural gemstones. Such gemstones are relatively cheaper than natural gem stones. Researchers and gemologists are of the opinion that only natural gemstones offer positive healing powers.
A gemstone is usually measured by weight and size or both. The basic unit for weighing gemstones is the carat, which is equal to one-fifth 91/5th) of a gram. Carats are divided into 100 units called points. For example, a half-carat gemstone would weigh .50 carats or 50 points. When gemstones are measured by dimensions, the size is expressed in millimeters (for example, 7x5 millimeters).
Ruby Stone
Ruby is one of the most durable gemstones, second in hardness only to diamond. The word ruby brings to mind powerful emotions of passion, romance and power. The ruby is a crystalline form of aluminum oxide infused with trace elements of chromium, which gives the gemstone its red color. The stone gets its name from the Latin word ruber, meaning red. Fine rubies are much rarer than top-quality diamonds and are also far more expensive.
Rubies are the red members of the corundum family of minerals. Corundum of any other color - blue, pink, yellow and others are called sapphire. Natural ruby shades vary from light to dark red and even a purplish cast. Ancient cultures believed that the ruby could cure ailments of the digestive system, energize the blood, and treat the heart. It was worn by warriors on account of its protective qualities.
Gemstone tips
The hardness of a gemstone is measured based on a standard called the Mohs scale. The higher the Mohs scale number, the harder the stone is. Stones that have Mohs hardness less than 7 are highly subjective to scratching. Here are certain tips to keep your precious gemstone jewelry in good condition for a long time.
Gem stone jewelry buying guide
Gem stone jewelry can be bought in different colors, from pink sapphire to golden brown citrines to blue topaz. Another popular gem stone is opal - a stone that exhibits flashes of rainbow colors when viewed from different angles. Opals have light or dark body color that ranges from transparent to translucent. Dark opals are more expensive and have fiery shades of black and gray.
Check to see if the color is even throughout the gemstone? For gemstone jewelry pieces such as earrings and necklaces, ensure that all the stones are well matched and harmonious. Some gemstones are treated or enhanced to improve their appearance or durability or even change their color.
Gem stone - Birthstones
Every month has a gemstone associated with it. Look up the birthstone guide to select a gift for someone you love.
Month Birthstone
January dark red garnet
February purple amethyst
March pale blue aquamarine
April clear diamond
bright green emerald
cream pearl moonstone
red ruby
August pale green peridot
September deep blue sapphire
October Variegated Opal or Tourmaline
November Yellow Topaz or Citrine
December Sky Blue Turquoise or Blue Topaz